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The unnesting process provides ample opportunity to grieve – as does the fall-out of a global pandemic. Still, I was surprised by the period of lament I recently walked through. I had been there before. I had chosen joy. I had expected joy to remain. What I had forgotten is that joy is always a choice and it takes effort.
Candace Payne, aka Chewbacca Mom, knows a thing or two about fighting for joy.
As she says in her book Laugh it Up, “Joy leads us to places where we have long refused to venture in our thought-life, places that are unhealed and unresolved. Joy pushes against the normal inclinations and patterns we have built in our minds and changes how we speak to ourselves. And, before we know it, we turn a corner and find the most beautiful clearing and spacious freedom for which we’ve been searching our whole lives.”
If you are yearning for joy in your unnesting experience, if you are yearning for joy during this time of restricted living, then I would encourage you to check out Candace Payne’s book, Laugh it Up! Embrace Freedom and Experience Defiant Joy.
- Candace is honest about the struggles she’s faced: marital issues, parenting struggles, homelessness, and more.
- She speaks to how “should” shames us and keeps us from embracing the joy that is possible in every moment.
- Laugh it Up is an easy, quick read.
- Although a Christian, Candace has authored a book accessible to all.
- Some Christians believe she did not emphasize God enough. Some non-Christians feel she mentioned God too much. I will leave it for you to decide.
Amazon offers Laugh it Up! in book form, on Kindle, or in an audible format.
Or, search your local library for a free download.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12
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